Transport & Equipment Services
Danny Lizotte Oilfield Services provides transport and heavy equipment services for all your construction needs in the Energy Sector.
- Head Office Location
Wetaskiwin, Alberta
- Call us for more information
Professional and Experienced Transport Company
Transport & Heavy Equipment Contractor
Since 2006, Danny Lizotte Oilfield Services has been providing transport and heavy equipment services to the Energy Sector.

We provide heavy equipment & transport services for all types of projects!
Danny Lizotte Oilfield Services specializes in:
- Transporting Equipment using Lowbeds, High boys and Super B’s
- Transporting and providing a variety of Off-Road Equipment
- Access Matting for temporary roads
- Land Clearing services
- Providing Wild Land Firefighting Equipment
Experienced Transport & Heavy Equipment Provider
Why Choose Danny Lizotte Oilfield Services?
Transportation Services
With over 20 years in the transport business, Danny Lizotte Oilfield Services has grown into a transportation company, providing services for all sizes of projects.
Solution Driven Company
We have an aptitude for problem solving and the ability to deal with logistical issues that may arise.
24 Hour Service / Year Round Operations
We provide 24 hour year round heavy equipment services to all projects.
Professional & Experienced
With many years of operation behind us, we are confident in our ability to provide superior service to our clients, by providing a complete line of specialized services and equipment.
Land Restoration Experts
We provide a complete line of environmental products, working to preserve and restore land in our work spaces.
Safety is Our Priority
With our experience being involved in multi-million dollar projects, we provide quality, experienced services, to ensure safety in the workplace, while minimizing the overall cost.